主题:Balanced subdivisions of a large clique in graphs with high average degree
报告人:汪彦 副教授(上海交通大学)
汪彦,现任上海交通大学数学科学学院的长聘教轨副教授。2017年博士毕业于美国佐治亚理工学院,师从国际著名图论专家郁星星教授。研究方向是图论,在Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, Journal of Graph Theory, SIAM Discrete Mathematics等杂志发表论文。其工作包括与其导师郁星星等人合作证明了近四十年的公开问题Kelmans-Seymour Conjecture:If a graph G is 5-connected and non-planar, then G has a subdivision of K5。
In 1984, Thomassen conjectured that for every constant k∈N, there exists d such that every graph with average degree at least d contains a subdivision of a complete graph on k vertices in which each edge is subdivided the same number of times. Recently, Liu and Montgomery confirmed Thomassen's conjecture. In this talk, we show that for sufficiently large d, every n-vertex graph with average degree at least d contains a subdivision of a complete graph of size at least Ω(dc) for any c<1/2 in which each edge is subdivided the same number of times.