1. Junwei Wang, Qijun Ren, Chuance Yan, Kairui Chen. Stochastic synchronisation of nonlinear networks with additive measurement noise. International Journal of Systems Science, https://doi.org/10.1080/00207721.2022.2143248, 2022.
2. Junwei Wang, Kairui Chen, Guanyu Lai. Stochastic synchronization of nonlinear networks with directed graphs and degenerate noise. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 9(1): 421-431, 2022.
3. Kairui Chen, Junwei Wang (corresponding author), Zhijia Zhao, Guanyu Lai, Yi Lyu. Output consensus of heterogeneous multiagent systems: A distributed observer-based approach. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 52(1): 370-376, 2022.
4. Kairui Chen, Junwei Wang (corresponding author), Xiaojing Zhong, Guanyu Lai. Distributed observer design for linear systems under time-varying communication delay. Complexity, 2021: 7257248, 2021.
5. Kairui Chen, Junwei Wang (corresponding author), Xianxian Zeng, Yun Zhang, Frank L. Lewis. Cluster output regulation of heterogeneous multi-agent systems. International Journal of Control, 93(12): 2973-2981, 2020.
6. Kairui Chen, Junwei Wang (corresponding author), Yun Zhang, Zhi Liu. Leader-following consensus for a class of nonlinear strick-feedback multiagent systems with state time-delays. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 50(7): 2351-2361, 2020.
7. Junwei Wang, Kairui Chen, Qiuli Liu, Qinghua Ma. Observer-based adaptive consensus tracking control for nonlinear multi-agent systems with actuator hysteresis. Nonlinear Dynamics, 95(3): 2181-2195, 2019.
8. Junwei Wang, Kairui Chen, Qiuli Liu. Output consensus of heterogeneous multiagent systems with physical and communication graphs. Complexity, 2018: 9091380, 2018.
9. Kairui Chen, Junwei Wang (corresponding author), Yun Zhang, Frank L. Lewis. Cluster consensus of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems. IET Control Theory undefinedamp; Applications, 12(11): 7-24, 2018.
10. Junwei Wang, Kairui Chen, Frank L. Lewis.Coordination of multi-agent systems on interacting physical and communication topologies. Systems undefinedamp; Control Letters, 100: 56-65, 2017.
11. Junwei Wang, Kairui Chen, Yun Zhang.Consensus of high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with constrained switching topologies. Complexity, 2017: 5340642, 2017.
12. Kairui Chen, Junwei Wang (corresponding author), Yun Zhang, Zhi Liu.Adaptive consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown backlash-like hysteresis. Neurocomputing, 175: 698-703, 2016.
13. Junwei Wang, Qinghua Ma, Aimin Chen, Zhipeng Liang. Pinning synchronization of fractional-order complex networks with Lipschitz-type nonlinear dynamics. ISA Transactions, 57: 111-116, 2015.